Finite Idempotent Set-Theoretic Solutions of the Yang–Baxter Equation


It is proven that finite idempotent left non-degenerate set-theoretic solutions $(X,r)$ of the Yang–Baxter equation on a set $X$ are determined by a left simple semigroup structure on $X$ (in particular, a finite union of isomorphic copies of a group) and some maps $q$ and $ǎrphi_x$ on $X$, for $xın X$. This structure turns out to be a group precisely when the associated Yang–Baxter monoid $M(X,r)$ is cancellative and all the maps $řphi_x$ are equal to an automorphism of this group. Equivalently, the Yang–Baxter algebra $K[M(X,r)]$ is right Noetherian, or in characteristic zero it has to be semiprime. The Yang–Baxter algebra is always a left Noetherian representable algebra of Gelfand–Kirillov dimension one. To prove these results, it is shown that the Yang–Baxter semigroup $S(X,r)$ has a decomposition in finitely many cancellative semigroups $S_u$ indexed by the diagonal, each $S_u$ has a group of quotients $G_u$ that is finite-by-(infinite cyclic) and the union of these groups carries the structure of a left simple semigroup. The case that $X$ equals the diagonal is fully described by a single permutation on $X$.

International Mathematics Research Notices
Ilaria Colazzo
Ilaria Colazzo
Lecturer in Pure Mathematics

My research interest focuses on studying algebraic structures associated with discrete versions of some equations in mathematical physics, such as the Yang-Baxter equation and the Pentagon equation. I am mainly interested in algebraic structures such as skew braces, trusses and generalisations that organise, classify and help to find solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and the Pentagon equation with given properties.